Darkie's 7.1
Unfortunately on this occasion we didn't get any kittens from our lil' miss... Attempts on matings would've been easier if I would've had a suitable male for the girls myself, but now.. Can't be helped.
Luckily Muusa got fantastic home from Tampere, to where she moved just before Labor day after I was certain she's empty.
Muusa will try her luck one last time with a seal mitted boy Gubbe (Lasso's son), since it's now clear that the gene's between Muusa and Lasso are not fully suitable for one another. :(
Muusa and Gubbe had their fun between March 6th and 8th, two succesful matings that we know of, possibly 3. The young stud had more will than talent, so his striking percentage was not so good. IF Muusa now got pregnant on this last attempt, her due date is on May 10th - if there's not going to be a litter now, she'll be relocated to her foreverhome in Tampere.
Muusa's first litter will be with a chocolate tabby boy Lasso. :)
On their most recent attempt Muusa screamed out loud a few times! Between January 1st and 3rd 2019 there was atleast two succesful matings at Lasso's home, if this bears fruit, Muusa is due on March 7th!
The couple spent time together between June 17th and 19th and most likely there were matings on 17th and 18th. If they were successful the litter should be due on August 21st 2018! Keep your thumbs up!
Muusa's pregnancy got probably interrupted by the massive heat wave and the next round was unsuccessful because of the male...
Mated between March 6th and 9th!
FI*Darkie's Benzaiten, "Muusa" (RAG g 04) x Kullannupun Gubbe, "Gubbe" (RAG n 04)
Parents pedigrees (inbreeding 0,762% in 10th generation)
Possible colours and patterns;
- Red boys, carrying dilute
- Red boys, carrying dilute and chocolate
- Cream boys
- Cream boys, carrying chocolate
- Seal carrying dilute
- Seal carrying dilute and chocolate
- Blue
- Blue carrying chocolate
- Sealtorties, carrying dilute
- Sealtorties, carrying dilute and chocolate
- Bluetorties
- Bluetorties, carrying chocolate
- 50% Mitted
- 25% Colourpoint
- 25% High Mitted Bicolor
- 26.4. Like before, Muusa gained some weight after mating, only to lose it around 7th weeks from mating. Today Muusa is going to leave to her forever home to Tampere and we'll try our luck with her sister. :) Such a shame, but at times these things happen...
- 11.3. Muusa is in quite a nice weight. 4833g weighed, let's see if it gets up or not.
- 6.-8.3. Muusa had her fun with Gubbe, young stud had fun for the whole money! Two successful strikes that we know of, possibly more. Let's see if this bears fruit...
- 27.2. Muusa was ultrasounded to be empty on Feb 19th... :( This was so promising with all signs. She gained total of 700 grams, even got rounder. Then all of sudden her round belly got flat, she stopped gaining weight and then we went to see the vet. Scan didn't show anything. I'll try to mate her once more with Lasso's son (Kullannupun Gubbe) and if this won't bear fruit, she will be sterilized and she'll go to continue her life to Tampere.
- 28.1. We've been fighting against nausea a lot. Muusa is eating meat (which she never did before) and she's so hungry - but she's feeling nauseous! Poor thing. Yesterday she had gained a total of 498 grams, so even without the nausea, bit by bit she's gained more. I strongly think she's pregnant. ^_^
- 13.1. Muusa has already gained 361 grams! The signs are promising! She's also a bit nauseated...
- 5.1. I weighed Muusa when she came back home, she was 4472 grams, heat still continues even tho it felt like it was dying down when she got home. :) She's eating well and we know that there's been two succesful strikes! I just hope everything goes as planned.
- 1.1.2019 Muusa has screamed loudly, so atleast one guaranteed mating! The camera connection has been so poor, that it's been hard for me to follow from afar. But now it's possible that we have a due-date on March 7th 2019!
- 30.12.2018 Muusa started her heat after a very long pause! This date will take place at Lasso's home.
- 21.-23.8. Muusa had the heat of a century, but Lasso refused to mate with her... On this round Lasso was bothered since he was on the territory of another male... From her next heat, Muusa will go meet up with Lasso in his home in Asikkala. I am trying to mate Ruusu too, just so I could get one litter for this year...
- 19.8. Muusa has developed a new heat. She'll meet again with Lasso on Aug 21st.
- 15.8. I just have to come to terms with the fact that Muusa is no longer pregnant. :( It is very likely that the heatwave caused her to abort, or something else prevented the pregnancy from continuing... As long as she doesn't get pyometra, it's all fine...
- 9.8. It has been super frustrating following this pregnancy! I haven't been updating weights since there isn't much to update after the heat wave started. It's now only 2 weeks until she's due and she has not gained almost anything. On August 5th she had gained 495 grams, but her eating and appetite is really lowsy and with "I don't care" attitude. She's got a tiny pregnant belly, but since there still hasn't been any movement and I haven't felt any bigger lumps besides her kidneys, I am really sceptic about this pregnancy! I posted about this to Facebook, on a Finnish cat breeder group and I got some comforting words about pregnant females who are not gaining weight properly. I saved the conversation and censored the names of the participants, but since it's in Finnish I suppose it is really hard, if not impossible, for you to understand... But if you want to, you are free to try figure it out! :) (give some time for the link to open, so you can zoom the picture)
- If you got to understand the text, the blog link Jonna shared you can read from here - Kuin kissa kermakupilla, "Tuleeko sieltä pentuja vai eikö tule?" - but it's really no use other than to wait and try to feed Muusa more... I am going to add the weekly weights to here now for future references.
- - added later on 9.8. -
- 7.8. She's at 4546 grams, on Sunday 5.8. she was 4570 g after the heat died out, but then she got stumped again.
- 31.7. She's -3 grams to week before. :( The heat is still going strong.
- 24.7. Currently at 4544 g, again just +30g...
- 17.7. She's gained only 30 grams in a week (4514g), the temperature during daytime is +30'C and above, wonder if this is a reason?
- 10.7. Muusa is now 4484g, that's +411 grams to where we started from. Intense heatwave has begun.
- 5.7. I dare to say that she's pregnant! At her Tuesdays weighing she's gained 331 grams since the mating and her tits are swollen! Also she is eating better than ever before. :)
- 17.-19.6. There ha probably been multiple matings! Since Muusa is a first timer, it is really hard to read her. :)