Housecatlitter - Viiru (taken into custody)
I took Viiru into custody as a favor for my friend, because she was not able to take pregnant cat for herself. It's an estimate that she got pregnant on February 2nd or around it, when the labor would be around April 10th or around it. This is the second litter of this young girl, I hope from the bottom of my heart that this one will go as easily as the first one.
I am going to look new homes for the kittens as the mother, and I am going to charge 150 euros per kitten, 50 euros as a reservation fee that is paid when you come to look at the kittens. I am not going to accept reservations without you meeting the kittens and the mother.
I am selling the kittens to stay inside of the house, not to be outdoor cats and I demand that the kittens are going to be neutered before the age of 6 months, from this I ask you to send me a certificate... If the new owner is not able to neuter the kitten, I am holding it untill I am able to do it and then charge the additional fee from the new owner.
Neutering for the female cat is 120-130 euros and for male cat it's 70-80 euros.
All of them, the kittens and the mother are going to be dewormed multiple times and vaccinated before handing over to the new families. Assignment age is 3 months from birth. I wish to hear from these kittesn, as I hear from the ragdoll kittens.
I am going to treat the kittens and the mother with as much love as I would treat any other set of kittens, with pedigreed or non pedigreed parents. :)
Photos of mother and kittens
Toivo, Onni, Nelli, Taika
Viiru (HCS n 23 09, sealtiger with white)
I've found a home for Viiru.

Just now I'm able to write about the departure of the kittens, but now I'm also able to write how they are doing in their new homes. :) It's funny how much I've been doing since the kittens left. But okay, I sat home for almost 3 months.
Taika was the last one to leave, she left on Friday July 5th via Kuopio to Turku, to live with Milli-doggie. Couple of days later Taika got a kitten friend to live with her, Kunkku-boy, now they are almost friends. Taika is such a little domina, but what can you do! It's part of her character.
Vincent went to live with a student to Kiuruvesi. :) For now he is living as a only cat, but atleast he gets all the attention. ^^
My sweet little Nelli stayed in Varkaus, she now lives with Osku the cat and Aatu the dog. :)
Toivo moved to Joroinen, he is now bothering the days of Ulla and Niilo (cats) and Jorkka and Hupi (dogs). :)
What I've heard, everyone has been doing fine, and are enjoying their new households and families. Even Viiru has been mostly fine, now she's having some distress in her bowels, but the vet didn't say that it would be lethal. She's now being treated with lots of love and care...and medicine. This has been very stressfull month for the mommy, too much moving and traveling and new places... But now she's got a home where she can just be a cat.
Tomorrow we are heading to the vet's clinic! Vaccinations, microchips, Taika's sterilizing, Vincent's castration, kitten checkup and then they are all ready to go to their new homes.
3 of the kittens are departing tomorrown, 4th on Friday. This has been so rough experience, but soon it's over! I think it's going to be many years before I do this kind of thing again.
Viiru has been happy in her new home. :) No more tummy problems, also her womb. The doctor said something like it was very strained, so they though it would be better to remove the whole thing. But all is fine in the Viiru-land. ^^
Phew... The day is finally here... The day that Viiru leaves the appartment and goes to live as a only cat in Nummela with Huhtanen's family.
Usually you shouldn't take the mom away from the kittens before kittens turns 12 weeks, but because of the conflicts with my own cats this is better to do this. If Kin and Junior weren't so good with the kittens, this wouldn't be possible. I just have to hope that the boys are able to teach the kittens right, Viiru has taught them so much bad habits... The most nice of those is to poo and sometimes even pee on the floor without any reason.
The smallest kitten in the litter, Taika, has crossed the 1 kg marker, so we can sterilize her on July 3rd. :) The kittens are here still for 1-1,5 weeks and after that the household will return to its natural state. I am just hoping that the stress will decrease with me and with Viiru when things change a bit.
Oh gosh how much stamina these kittens have. :D I'm glad I manage to sleep through nights even with them roaming loudly around the house 24/7. NOW they are asleep and quiet, but wait untill I want to go to sleep, then they will start their 8 hour long rally... Oh well...
Tomorrow Viiru is going to the vet's office to be checked and vaccinated, then we get to sterilize her as soon as possible and we hopefully get a clean state of health. I am so running out of nerves with this girl, she's constantly meowing and demanding more and more food. :I
Whoa! How much can so tiny kittens eat? A lot, I can tell you that. :D Again another deworming, and these little ones just hate the pills... I can't say anything else than that ragdolls are SO easy!
Viiru is completely fed up with the kittens and is not treating them even half as good as she used to, which wasn't that good either... I'm glad that my own boys are giving them proper model of a well-behaving kitties and are playing with them a lot. Viiru is mostly just pushing the kittens away while they are eating and eats their foods. :I Gladly after this little vacation her short temper is better and she's no longer attacking my cats. Viiru is going to leave the appartment earlier than her kittens; she needs to gather her health and calm down. The kittens will get a good models from Kin and Junior up untill they are 12 weeks old.
Today all the cats are going on a trip, to a two different locations. :) Viiru and her kittens are going to Kin's quarantine house for a week, I myself am going to Helsinki with my own cats.
They have so much speed! They are climbing, running, playing..! I'm losing my nerves with Viiru, but the kittens are so much fun... :)
All the kittens are now reserved. :) I'll neuter Onni and Taika before they depart, other two will be neutered by their new owners.
They eat a lot, the food bowl is always empty, and when it is, the kittens climbs up my thigh demanding more! Still Junior is the only one to play with them, others just stare at these little monsterballs. :D
There is just no holding these. :D Last night they had knocked over a barrier from bedrooms door and kittens roamed around the house.
It's very hard to keep them in bedroom, I though they still could stay there, but even today they roamed around the house. :D Junior is very keen to play with their tails, others just are so scared of them. Viiru has been fighting with others again... Sigh.
They're already a month old. ^^
Nelli got reserved today. :)
I gave them half a bedroom to use. And they are so energetic! Today they got so much attention and affection, that they just passed out even before the guests leaved. They are eating plenty of solid foods and know how to use the litterbox. :)
The little black girl Milla became Taika today, and she's now officially reserved! I hope that before this day is out, also Toivo will be reserved. :)
Yesterday they got their first solid foods, Onni and Taika ate nicely, Nelli and Toivo mostly looked with confusion. :)
Heh, soon there is no stopping these kittens! :) I gave them a bigger area to roam, and now they'd want out of there too... I've ment to give solid food to them this week. ^^
I've got some people asking these. :) Many seem to be keen on Toivo. 2 potential families for him now. I promissed to tentatively hold him for the first family, but just until Wednesday. :) We'll see which gets him.
For a moment there haven't been any problems, no attacks in a while. Atleast on this moment, Viiru has been walking around the apartment without too much hizzing and growling to others.
I started to accustom Junior to the kittens, one kitten at a time. I've done this for a couple of days and now Junior helps the kittens pee from time to time, as long as it's only one kitten at a time. :) He's doing better and better eith the kittens all the time. I'll help Junior to get to know the kittens before moving to another cat. :) Junior is just such a doll! ^^
There has been some problems in the "paradise"... It's not really a paradise to separate all these kitties, if I don't separate, then someone suffers. Viiru attacks Junior and Viiru needs a lot of attentions since she's so social... There are skills that should be trained with Viiru, teach and learn with confidence.
All the kittens have opened their eyes, I think there might be some semilonghaired too! They are so adorable, I could spend hours on end with them. :) ... I just wish that the mom knew how to behave...
We'll see if I have to relocate Viiru to another household. It would be so frustrating and all, because I wouldn't be in full charge of the kittens' wellbeing, and I promissed I would be... Sigh, so many hard choises.
Viiru's little litter is already a week old! I wonder where the time flies... This morning I noticed that little girl called Milla started to open her eyes! Now, at night, I noted that right eye was completely open. :)
They have gained weight very nicely and steadily, boys are fairly over 200 grams, girls a bit less than 200 grams. At this point, no one has asked about them.
This afternoon, around 2 pm Viiru decided that it's time to give birth. I was fast asleep, but as always, I woke up to first kitten made sound... Now the clock is 5:21 pm and Viiru is a happy mother of four very massive kittens in a clean bed. :)
- 8.4. She's getting restless...
- 7.4. The girl is eating well and a LOT. :)
- 3.4. Viiru weights 4,6 kilos
- 28.3. Viiru got to my place from an inappropriate home