Darkie's Ninth
Because Ruusu decided to have a very long pause between her heats, Gubbe had to be neutered due excessive stud behavior. This means that after Ruusu's new heart and kidney scan, she will probably meet with Lumenvalkean Flasso (Lasso). Things are still open and uncertain. :)
Ruusu's second and last litter was planned with the gentleman Gubbe from Kullannupun cattery. :)
Several succesful matings happened between May 31st and June 2nd and this means the litter would be born around August 4th. Would be fun to share my birthday with a litter from my lines!
Unfortunately the first attempt didn't bear fruit... Waiting for the next heat then.
Again waiting for a new heat
FI*Darkie's Daikokuten, "Ruusu" (RAG f 04 21) x Lumenvalkean Flasso, "Lasso" (RAG b 04 21)
Parents pedigrees (inbreeding 0,874% in 10th generation)
Combination is free of PG
Possible colors and patterns;
- Red boys carrying chocolate
- Red boys carrying dilute and chocolate
- Cream boys carrying chocolate
- Seal (+ tortie) carrying chocolate
- Seal (+ tortie) carrying dilute and chocolate
- Blue (+ bluetortie) carrying chocolate
- 50% Mitted
- 25% Colorpoint
- 25% High Mitted Bicolor
- 75% possibility to tabby-pattern!
- 16.3. Unfortunately Ruusu didn't get pregnant by this mating. It was found out that another girl Lasso had mated with also didn't get pregnant, so it might be that the boy has not completely gotten back from his Suprelorin pause. It is a unfortunate but know defect when using such hormonal blocks on cats. We'll try once more with Lasso! And then we'll search for another male, as this is Ruusu's last year as a fertile female.
- 23.2. Lasso returned home. Ruusu's weight currently 6,5 kg's - now just all fingers crossed for successful mating!
- 21.2.-22.2. Multiple matings have happened. The couple mostly just hangs around and washes one another.
- 20.2.2022 Lasso came to greet Ruusu and is in very virile state, and began immediately wooing over the grumpy lady.
- 21.6.2021 It's been 3 weeks since the first succesful mating. She's gained a bit, but none of the signs of pregnancy are present. So the first attempt was fruitless. Again waiting for the next heat...
- 31.5.-2.6. Several matings happened! Let the wait begin! Ruusu's weight currently 6,68 kg's.
- 30.5 Gubbe has arrived to charm the fierce Ruusu! Waiting for matings to happen...
What has happened so far